Modding can be a Dangerous Game with Counterfeit Parts

For any car enthusiast, modding is always the kind of passion they associate themselves with. And who wouldn’t endorse the idea of modding since it enhances the aura of any given vehicle?

The only downside of modding is probably its cost since it is very expensive. But with the sudden influx of the modding community, the counterfeit industry of modding has grown pretty big. It has somewhat become an affordable choice to mod the vehicle.
But that is harmful to the vehicle itself. These duped parts are almost 1/10 of the original product which makes it an open-ended deal for most consumers. But the lack of genuinely is often kept as a secret by many sellers who might put the passengers at risk because it is not safe. This kind of mods are also sold at many online threads and even at retail stores where the seller unapologetically sells these counterfeit products in spite of knowing that the driver might get in danger.

So keep the readers aware and all the future mod artists aware, here is a list of all the possible fake products that they can be aware of beforehand.

Examine the Lug Nuts and Wheels

Always stay away from aluminum lug nuts because you don’t want your car to collapse on cheap lug nuts. For wheels, it is similar since there is a high chance of the car collapsing while running over a pothole.

Check the Seat-Belts

With the sudden demand for race-car styled harness, there is tons of fake styled harness available on the market. Replacing the factory seatbelt is not at all advisable since these duped products can’t guarantee the safety of the passengers.

Others parts also include, like race car seats, steering wheels, adaptors, brakes. These are all the products which a buyer needs to be aware of since there is no way one can compromise the safety of humans over some mere modding.

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