Be a Smart Buyer, Don’t be deceived by the Counterfeit

Sometime counterfeits may be hard to identify but there might be a huge difference in the cost of replacing these products. When we purchase a product irrespective of the fact that it’s an original one or a counterfeit, we purchase it by looking at the quality of the product and the brand name it carries.

Follow these betrayal signs to distinguish an original product from the counterfeits and don’t get deceived by the replica items because they are prevalent to your weaknesses:

Phantasmagoric discounts:
Be vigilant while shopping online or from physical stores who are offering the deals which are too good to be true. If the discounts are unreal for instance 80% less of the MRP then there are high chances that you are buying a counterfeit product.

Quality of the Products:
The quality of the counterfeit products is usually uncertain and suspicious as they use substandard materials to produce it like cheap quality plastic, impure leather etc.

Shabby & Tacky Packaging:
Branded and luxurious products’ manufacturers take a lot of care in packaging their items and spend handsomely on maintaining this. If you receive the items in substandard packages, take it as a sign of fake products.

Look for the Spellings:
Look out for grammatical errors or wrong or missing alphabets in the spellings as these are one of the easiest ways to identify counterfeit products.

Inaccurate Logos or Fonts:
Any variations in the logos like faded, illegible or misaligned are clear indicators of a fake product.

Fraudulent Websites:
Another way to counter the fake products is to check the authenticity of the websites. If you are buying the products online, its better to confirm the URL ensuring it has “https” instead of http and a locked sign.

Missing Contact Details:
It is best to avoid the products which lack manufacturer’s contact details like address, email, website etc. Missing contact details on the product or the package clearly indicate that you have no means of contacting anyone for grievance redressal. It best to avoid such products.

Missing Information:
Counterfeit products miss out some details like codes, serial numbers, intellectual property information.

A word of Vigilance:
One should always be cautious before buying a product not confident in. The counterfeits might also use digital marketing to elevate its profile. One should always do some research, be smart before buying and don’t get deceived. Sometimes even the branded items might be knockdown by the counterfeits.

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