Latest Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies & Solutions

It may be intended to imitate any product by some people when the product may be the replica of the real product. But, the act is illegal or unauthorized. The law is done with the purpose of getting the higher value of the product as per line of the real product. The act of copying the actual product with the intention of the artificial product may be called counterfeit.

In this regard, –Anticounterfeiting technology has come in the market. This is the technology implied not to able to copy or counterfeit the product. Some top companies use some individual identification marks which are not possible to copy. These may be called Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies.

The market research has revealed that only top ten companies are providing Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies for different industries.

Implementation of AntiCounterfeiting Technologies
The counterfeits always target the developing sectors. But, due to lack of awareness in the Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies, they are sometimes successful. Similarly, novel bar code Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies and other similar technologies have captured the market in some parts of the world.
Still, many people end up buying counterfeited food and beverages. It may draw severe health risks resulting in damages to organs of health. These results may have attended to bring more Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies in the market. Authentication Technologies still earn higher revenue due to the high demands in the market.

AntiCounterfeiting Technologies in Medicines
Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies have been implemented for the protection of drugs as per instruction of world health organization. There are many types of safety factors as Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies with the manufacturers. Many techniques are implemented in the packaging itself.  Still, there are safety levels on the manufacturing of the products.

Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies may be categorized as below:

  • Visible Features
  • Hidden Features
  • Track and Trace
  • Forensic Techniques

These four categories will be searched in finding for Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies.

Brand Protection by Ink Company
When the companies launch their products, they try to protect their products with Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies. The companies try to protect their brand with the help of professionals to provide Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies. The solutions offered by the professionals are unique for protection of the brand. The ink company can manage their brands with color management, brand protection, plates, ink, and coatings. Authentication Technology by TruTag may be the perfect solution as Anticounterfeiting technologies.

The counterfeit in the supply chain may be easily detected. You can protect your investment by implementing Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies.

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