Buying a Counterfeit Product: Do you care?

Designer labeled products!! We love to own them. The urge to buy and own a high-end designer product can cost thousands of dollars. The counterfeit goods are at a rise because there is an increasing demand to own them. Even a crooked stitching or an off logo doesn’t stop the consumers from buying them.

It’s hard to believe that only low-income groups purchase fake products. Even the high-income users are more inclined to but a genuine fake product which saves them a lot of dollars. This scenario is observed in both developing and developed countries.

After all, counterfeits are also improving on their quality looking into an increasing customer base. Although consumers agree that copying someone else’s work is unethical but still knowingly they purchase fake products.

The following could be the main reasons for doing so:

1. Passion to follow the fashion: In this era of fashion, everyone wants to be ahead of the others and follow the latest trends. Nobody wants to look outdated. This need to be in line with the latest fashion creates a demand to buy the easily affordable counterfeits. And as per the economic law, demand creates the supply.

2. Saves Your Money: One of the major reasons for the consumers to buy a fake product is that you save a lot of money. Some people feel that the money they save on buying a counterfeit can be utilized on some other important decisions of their lives like paying an insurance premium, going on a holiday etc.

3. Consumers don’t care: Consumers don’t care whether they are buying a fake or an original product. What matters is that even a high end costly unaffordable product is made available to those who can’t even dream of them.

4. They are not aware: Fake products are now everywhere. Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between what’s original and what’s fake. This is because of the strong distribution network of the counterfeits and their improving quality. Sometimes, consumers buy counterfeits online thinking they purchased an original one on heavy discounts. Their realization comes to existence when they actually receive the product.

Although consumers are thinking only about saving their money, what they are not aware of is that the money which they are spending to purchase a fake product could be utilized to support criminal activity or terrorism.

After all, buying a fake product seems like you are fooling yourself by owning something which you can’t afford. Instead own something which you can afford, at least you will have mental satisfaction that what you are doing is ETHICAL!

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